What Urban Planning Can Learn From Tech and Vice Versa?
This was the topic of a discussion organized by SPUR on 7.1.2014. Here are some take-aways from the four presenters', Molly Turner / Airbnb, Alicia Rouault / Code for America, Allison Arieff / SPUR and Egon Terplan / SPUR, talks.
Alicia Rouault from Code for America pointed out how the two disciplines share many similar methods, but just call them with different names:
agile/lean / Lighter, quicker, cheaper
intrative/disruptive / Tactical Urbanism
MVP / pilot
user reserach / needs finding
Molly Turner, director of public policy for Aibnb, argued that it is a necessity for planners to start benefiting more of the tools that are out there: "This is not an intersection [of disclipines], it is a one way street. The broader urban planning community is already present."
According to Turner, biggest take-aways for planning from tech are:
- Don't ask limiting questions - ask instead: How might we?
- Entertain crazy ideas
- Prototype and ideate rather than just vision
- Design the end-to-end user experience
- Think about scalability and reliability
- Be entrepreneurial - think bigger!
Turner also presented a list of sites and apps that are changing the way we use and design cities:
- https://neighborland.com/
- http://streetmix.net/
- https://liquidspace.com/
- http://www.goodeggs.com/welcome
- http://www.lyft.me/
- http://creative-currency.org/
- Boston Citizen's Connect http://www.cityofboston.gov/doit/apps/citizensconnect.asp
And here's a few additions that I¨ve come across:
- http://www.urbanobservatory.org/
- https://nextdoor.com/about_us/
- http://insidemaps.com/
- http://www.houzz.com/mobileApps
- http://pricemaps.betterdoctor.com
- https://findery.com/
- http://www.locish.com/
- http://www.yelp.com/
- http://localdata.com/
- A good slideshare presentation: Apps for Architecture and Urban Planning,
Nicole Henning, Independent UX professional at Apps4Creatives on Nov 15, 2011
Some tools for developers and planners:
And ideas for future ones: http://discoversf.org/